

A twelve-member board of trustees governs CVT with a balance of management and labor representatives. The six management members, and three members each from CTA and CSEA that represent labor interests are appointed by their respective constituents. This cooperative governance ensures the best healthcare benefit options for all members.

Members of CVT board of trustees welcome your input, questions and concerns; to contact a member, please email

Board of Trustees

Debra Cole
Field Director
California School Employees Association
Elaine Cash
Superintendent (Retired)
Riverdale Unified School District
Marni Harmon
El Segundo Chapter 71 Site Representative
(CSEA Representative)
Anthony Parreira
President, Board of Education
Los Banos Unified School District
Daryl Hemenway
Benefits Specialist
California Teachers Association
Jennifer Passaglia
Chief Business Officer
Marysville Joint Unified School District
Ken Johnson
President (Retired)
Manteca Educators' Association
(CTA Representative)
John Pestorich
Superintendent (Retired)
Washington Unified School District
Halimah Mekki
UniServ Director and Staff Consultant
California Teachers Association
Nancy Smith
Board Member
Palmdale School District
Keith Pace
Executive Director
California School Employees Association
Chad Wood
Director of Classified Personnel Services
Desert Sands Unified School District