Contact Us

General Contact Information

Have a question?  Need information?

At CVT our goal is to provide you with the best possible service, whether you are an active participant,  retiree participant, or a district member representing management or labor. We invite your questions and requests. There are several ways to reach us: Mail, Phone, Fax or Email.

Address and Phone Information

Mailing Address
520 E. Herndon Ave.
Fresno, CA 93720



Contact us by Email

For general comments, questions or to find out who your member services representative is please email

Click here if you are a district labor or management representative requesting information.

Click here if you have an active or retiree participant requesting information.

Customer Service

Member districts and participants consistently give California's Valued Trust high marks for responsive customer service. You'll find valuable resources available online, or friendly responses to your inquiries and questions on the phone or by email. You'll hear a welcoming and helpful voice any time you call during regular business hours, even during lunch. We're here to help you any time Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m

CVT Staff and Emails

Change of Address

To insure the receipt of important documents, please contact your district office to complete a new CVT enrollment form with your new address and phone number (if applicable). The district office will then forward the changes to the CVT office.  In addition to informing the district you may send your changes in writing to our office by mail, fax, or email to Include your name, ID number, new address, phone number (if applicable) and signature of the subscriber.