Practicing Mindfulness



Practicing Mindfulness

July 22, 2022

What comes to mind when you hear the word “mindfulness”? Perhaps you’re familiar with it and know the benefits. Maybe you’ve heard it in passing but aren’t really sure what it means. Some people might even associate mindfulness with a niche alternative lifestyle that doesn’t apply to them. The truth is, mindfulness is chock-full of mental health benefits, and people from around the world are finally catching on.

The practice, which is rooted in Eastern philosophy, has journeyed to the Western world and has seen mass popularization over the last couple of decades. Mindfulness is for everyone: Talk-show and podcast host Oprah Winfrey, Olympic wrestling gold medalist Jordan Burroughs, Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn, comedian and writer Trevor Noah, and many more big names from every facet of life have sworn by mindfulness. So, what is it about mindfulness that has everyone under the sun singing its praises? Keep reading to learn why this previously alternative practice has garnered exponential mainstream support.

What is Mindfulness?

Defined as “The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something” and “A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calming acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique”, mindfulness is essentially a practice of being present in the moment.

Why Should I Practice Mindfulness?

Studies have shown that mindfulness:

  • Reduces stress, anxiety and pain
  • Eases depression and other behavioral health challenges
  • Helps manage post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Aids in substance use disorder recovery
  • Increases productivity
  • Makes people happier and more content

How Do I Practice Mindfulness?

Mindfulness comes in all shapes and sizes. You don’t have to be able to sit still in a lotus position for minutes on end to reap the benefits of this practice; you can practice mindfulness during most, if not all, moments throughout your day. Mindful hair brushing? Check. Mindful stretching? You got it. Mindful eating? Incredibly, yes!

If you do want to explore a more traditional approach to mindfulness, you can try any of the following:

Breathing Exercises: Notice how your breath comes in and goes out. Let it get slower and deeper. It can help to think, “I am breathing in. I am breathing out.” If your mind wanders, come back to your breath.
Body Scan: Notice how your body feels. Start at your head. How does it feel? Can you relax your scalp, face or jaw? Move your attention down your body, noticing and relaxing.

Chants, mantras, or prayers: Repeating words or sounds helps with focus. They can be silent or out loud and can come from anywhere. Even the words, “I am breathing in. I am breathing out,” can be a mantra.

Guided Meditation: A trained person can talk you through a meditation period. They might include breathing or body scan exercises. Guided meditation can include noticing emotions, counting and thinking of places or objects. Music is often used.

How Can Mindfulness Help me at Work?

We know that mindfulness increases productivity; this is a huge perk for your professional life. Slowing down and paying attention in the workplace can help you identify distractions and roadblocks in your daily routine, enlighten you on your current communication techniques, and assist you in planning meaningful meetings.

How Can CVT Help me in Beginning a Mindfulness Practice?

Our CredibleMind resources are best-in-class. Visit the website to explore endless videos, podcasts, and articles on different aspects of mindfulness.