

Back to School: Mental Wellness

August 5, 2022 EAP

The curtains are closing on summer and it’s that time of year again: Back to school. This time can evoke pleasant feelings of excitement and nostalgia for students, while also eliciting anxiety and other worries. Going into the school year with fit mental space – and maintaining that health all year long – starts here.

Ready to help your child master mental wellness? Join us in implementing the habits below – let’s see how big a difference these little changes will make!

Establish a Consistent Routine

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Practicing Mindfulness

July 22, 2022 Mental Health

What comes to mind when you hear the word “mindfulness”? Perhaps you’re familiar with it and know the benefits. Maybe you’ve heard it in passing but aren’t really sure what it means. Some people might even associate mindfulness with a niche alternative lifestyle that doesn’t apply to them. The truth is, mindfulness is chock-full of mental health benefits, and people from around the world are finally catching on.

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Digital Detox: Refreshing Your Online Habits

July 6, 2022 EAP

Feeling stressed, tired, or down on yourself? This might be linked to how often you use your phone. Studies show that too much online interaction increases stress, reduces sleep, and lowers self-esteem. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to reclaim your brain space.

Ready to start your digital detox? Join us in implementing the habits below – let’s see how big of a difference these little changes will make!

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